Pepino Polaco Privacy Policy

I. General Provisions

The Privacy Policy specifies how Users' personal data necessary to provide services electronically through the website (hereinafter: the Service) are collected, processed and stored.

The service collects only personal data necessary for the provision and development of the services offered therein.

Personal data collected through the Service is processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as RODO) and the Law on Personal Data Protection of May 10, 2018.

II. Data controller

The administrator of the personal data collected through the Service is Rothis Tours RD SRL, address: c/Golondrinas, Edificio Castillo, num. 1 57000 Puerto Plata, Republica Dominicana, RNC: 1-32-40624-9, Commercial Activity Number: 545069, Registration number of Tour Operators: AV-TOLD-1801-02650, Tour Operator License Number: ID 3106, Insurance Policy Number: 2-2-801-0049962, E-mail address: (hereinafter: Administrator).

III. Purpose of personal data collection

Personal data is used for:

  • Account registration and verification of the User's identity,
  • To enable logging into the Service,
  • execution of reservations and purchase of services
  • Communication with the User (livechat, contact form, etc.).
  • newsletter dispatch (after the User's consent to receive it),
  • running a comment system,
  • provision of community services,
  • promotion of the Administrator's offer,
  • Marketing, remarketing, affiliation,
  • Personalization of the Service for Users,
  • analytical and statistical activities,
  • debt collection,
  • To establish and assert or defend against claims.

Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to conclude a contract or use other functionalities of the Website.

IV. Type of personal data processed

The Administrator may process the User's personal data: name and surname, date of birth, residential address, e-mail address, telephone number, Tax ID, passport number, date of issue and expiration date of the passport.

V. Period of personal data processing

Users' personal data will be processed for a period of time:

  • when the basis of data processing is the performance of a contract - until the statute of limitations for claims after its performance,
  • when the basis for data processing is consent - until revocation, and after revocation of consent until the statute of limitations for claims.

VI. Sharing of personal data

Users' personal data may be transferred to: entities affiliated with the Administrator, its subcontractors, entities cooperating with the Administrator, e.g. e-payment companies, insurance companies, companies providing transportation services, law firms.

Users' personal data will also be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

VII. Users' Rights

The Service User has the right to: access to the content of their personal data, rectification, deletion, restriction of processing, portability, object to processing, withdrawal of consent at any time (which does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal).

Notification of the User's claim of entitlement under the listed rights should be sent to

The administrator shall comply or refuse to comply with the request immediately - within a maximum of one month of receipt.

You have the right to file a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection if you consider that the processing violates your rights and freedoms (RODO).

VIII. Cookies

The service collects information through cookies - session, permanent and third-party cookies.

The collection of cookies supports the correct provision of services on the Website and serves statistical purposes.

You can specify the extent to which cookies can access your device in your browser settings.

IX. Automated decision-making and profiling

Users' data may not be processed in an automated manner so that any decisions could be made against them as a result.

Users' data may be profiled to customize content and personalize offers.

X. Final Provisions

The Administrator has the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy, while the rights of Users will not be restricted.

Information about the changes will appear in the form of a message available on the Site.
